the language of the body,
of movement and of dance to develop
the creative
each one of us
What is the Association of Creative Movement?
It offers artistic, educational and psychological experience in the service of creativity
We offer training courses with our registered method® in Italy, China, Turkey and Cyprus, as well as organising specific seminars and courses for personal growth. Individual Dance Movement therapy sessions are offered by appointment.
Creative Movement and Mindfulness
The circularity between the two orientations aims not only to promote creativity but to also improve the quality of life. The training offers a method to teach this integrated approach to people in a range of ages and in different contexts. The training can also be followed specifically for Personal Growth.
Basic Level– Professional Level
The study of a path of consciousness through a particular movement practice which aims to develop a receptive, respectful and welcoming relationship between a person who moves and his / her witness. The goal is to awaken, a greater understanding of the self and the potential for compassion towards all beings.
Dance Movement
A specific arts based movement therapy modality which consists of both body and non- verbal interventions to treat psychic, somatic and relational difficulties within the individual.
Articles and
Consult bibliography produced by members of the association.

Our book
Authors: Maria Elena García, Marcia Plevin, Patrizia Macagno.
Versions available in English, French, Italian and Turkish.
What the students say
“I received my certification thirteen years ago in Creative Movement. Nothing is more marvelously sincere and connected authentically to the experience of the body’s life. When the soul is moved in a body that is moved, what happens is a miracle: the creative authentic expression which remerges is life whether we want it or not, whether it has attacked you, offended or sometimes destroyed you”
“I strongly believe that this kind of course should be included within other lessons such as technique, repetoire, composition, etc. to give space and air to every dance student starting a journey towards becoming aware of the body in different ways.”
“As the music begins, I do not think about movement but to free the mind … I welcome the emptiness … I keep quiet inside of me … a brief moment like a second is as long as infinity … yet it is at this juncture that the movement begins to take shape, a form that I do not know … I let myself be carried … body and mind are at the service of this creative energy that lives in me”
“A superlative course! I recommend it to all those who want to explore their creative process, then apply it to all the activities we practice in life. A life-changing course … I am much more respectful, not judgmental and compassionate towards myself, in everything I do. With the result of finding pleasure and satisfaction! No small thing.”

administration Office
Via Raffaello Giovagnoli, 25 Rome
(+39) 340 6356297
(+39) 328 6943850